Dear Sir/Madam, on behalf of the Tourist Organization of Gusinje, I would like to sincerely thank everyone who participated in the mowing of the main town cemetery.
We appreciate your willingness to respond to every action and activity. Your dedication and hard work are invaluable in preserving and beautifying our community.
Your enthusiasm and support give us great strength and motivation to continue our activities. Thank you for your time and commitment. Your contribution is of great importance and everyone we are very grateful to you.
The director of TOG said; Ghettoar Gjonbalaj
Gusinje Tourist Organization
On behalf of the Guci Tourism Organisation, dua tü päläenderoj sinqerisht tä mällä ata të mårå mähte në aksioninen e kositjes së varrezave t the main city.
We don’t appreciate your readiness to respond to any action or activity. Përkushtimi dhe mundi juaj ın tê paçmüyüyül për säytä dhe zbukurimin e communityit töne.
Entuziazmi dhe supportja juaj na japin një følle të madhe dhe motivim për tê tê tê të tête me activitie tona. Thank you for your time and dedication. CONTROIVS JUJ është i një Рёндёсие тё Madhe Дхо тё Гјитё уоu Jemi Shumë Mirënjohës.
Tha directors and OTG, Getoar Gjonbalaj
respect me
Guci Tourism Organization